Hebron Republican Town Committee
This forthcoming local election is about the people of Hebron and the underpinnings of our community. It’s about working together on solving problems and sharing our joys. We are small town America with an aversion to big government. By heritage, by residence or in practice we are practical, frugal Connecticut Yankees.
We know that you came here to enjoy the peace and the beauty of an unspoiled rural landscape. We know how much you value Hebron’s fields, forests, farmland and sparkling streams. We know that you came here to live your dreams and to raise your families and to educate your children in some of the finest schools anywhere. We know that everyone should be valued, everyone should have a sense of belonging and everyone should have a commitment to the greater good. We know that you are Hebron - we are Hebron - and that we want to continue to work together to ensure an amazing environment that will nurture happy, healthy, and productive lives.
This year, we have an impressive and personable assemblage of volunteers who have stepped up to serve. Our candidates are sincere and selfless individuals. Review their credentials and experience, bear witness to their enthusiasm and positive energy, ask questions and look into their hearts. Above all else, exercise your right that our forebears have earned with their lives. Vote on Election Day. You’ll never regret it.
Hebron Republicans Seek Members
The Hebron Republican Town Committee is actively seeking additional members to serve. The mission of the committee is to encourage Republicans to run for office, organize and direct general election campaigns. Additionally, the group also recommends candidates to appointive offices, studies and recommends improvements for our local government, studies, and supports (or opposes) State legislation.
Anyone interested in learning more about the work of the committee should contact Jason Guidone - Chairman or Kim Hills - Vice-Chair at HebronRepublicans@gmail.com.